HomeNewsEl Hadji Diouf has photo taken with child blacked-up in his honour

El Hadji Diouf has photo taken with child blacked-up in his honour

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Daniel Storey
 @ January 2nd, 2013

Don’t quite now how to cover this one, but fair to say that the competition for the weirdest sporting photo of 2013 has been ruled almost obsolete on New Year’s Day.

A Leeds United supporting parent actually deemed it appropriate to engineer a photo opportunity with player El Hadji Diouf by blacking up his child and giving him a bleached blonde mohican.

It really is a complete moral cock up, but the child quickly became a Twitter ‘star’. Quite why you feel the necessity to go the whole hog to display your love for Dioufy is unclear to be honest.

Ex-Leeds player Robert Snodgrass waded into the debate on Twitter:

Can’t a kid @LufcKai dress up as one of his favourite players these days without people moaning . We were kids once . #worldsgonemad

Can’t a kid show that he loves a player without resorting to offensive imagery instigated by a parent that should be ashamed? #worldsgonemad
